If you don't already know- I am off to America in a couple of days. If you follow my twitter I apologise for my constant going on about it! I'm excited ok?
Everyone seems to do these kind of posts when they go away and I though well why the hell not, I'll do one as well!
So basically this is what I will be taking with me! My Bag is from Topshop, from a couple months ago and I love it. As it's pretty square I can fit quite a bit in there and I also like the fact it has both a long strap and the two shorter ones.
Firstly I've got the really important bits- My travel wallet, from Accessorize, which has my passport, money, travel documents etc, my purse which is so old and something I am hoping to replace while I am out there, my glasses and my phone. I also forgot my sunglasses but they aren't anything special, just a £1 pair from primark!

Next up we have the technology section- My iPad which has my movies, music and books on so saves me having to lug around books etc, my camera- which is actually my sisters but I didn't really feel I would need my big camera and this takes pretty decent pictures. Next up is my Powerbee, which is my portable charger that I can use on my phone, iPod and iPad. I usually get two charges out of it so hopefully it will be enough to keep me going. Then I have my iPod, you know just incase I dont have enough music on my phone and Ipad and then my Urbanears which I LOVE! They are good at noise cancelling and other people can't hear your music either and to top it off stupidly comfortable.
Here you can see the couple of brushes I will be taking(I have more in my luggage) : RT powder brush, Sigma F80, Ecotools Angled brush, Sigma E05 and RT Deluxe Crease brush
Right so I wasn't planning on taking this much make up on the plane but my skin seems to hate me and after months of behaving and looking lovely, it seems to have decided, 3 days before my holiday it wants to go tits up and have a breakout- so I am currently sporting two giant, horrible, angry spots on my chin and I could cry. So yes originally I was only going to take a little pot of the Dior BB cream but now I need something with a bit more coverage! I went for Double Wear as it's still quite light whilst sill giving good coverage.The other bits are pretty simple and just enough for me to look human and alive when I get off the plane.

I will, like most people be doing the standard thing of taking all my make up off and putting a mask on (despite my hideous state- sorry to the people around me!) So I've got some Simple wipes- purely to save on space. Tooth brush and Tooth paste before I get off the plane so I don't meet Sarah with stinky breath, little perfume sample- again so I don't smell! Then for the face I have a Eve Lom Hydrating serum sample, Clinique Moisture Surge and Origins Drink Up Intensive. Now three hydrating things I hear you ask?! Well my skin HATES AC so I'm preparing for that. I've also got my Apivita Lip Balm, which I am fully addicted too, Hand Sanitiser, Origins super spot remover and a Birchbox mirror.
So there you go, that is my hand luggage! I will be doing a couple of updates here and there while I am away- if I have time too but if you want to see pictures along the way you can follow my Instagram, which is candycaneheart or follow my twitter @sophie_swinney