Monday, 28 May 2012

Bobbi Brown| corrector

This is something that I have held off buying for a while. To be honest I think it is pretty expensive for how much product you get. 

Having said that now I have tired it I can see why! 

I went to my local Bobbi Brown counter. I knew that I wanted to see what this product was like before I bought so I didn't wear any face make up (something that I never do, that is commitment!) purely so I could get someone to apply it for me. 

Although the pot is small and you don't get a lot of product for your money, I really think it is worth it. I have really bad dark circles. I have a very purple tint around my eyes and this covers and brightens them . 

This is a relatively thick product I would say about the same as the Mac Studio Sculpt Concealer, maybe a little thinner because of this I apply with my ring finger and just pat it in. I have tired with a brush but I just think it doesn't give as good a finish. However this is only my opinion. 

Most of the time I love this product, sometimes not so much. It does crease but only sometimes. I find it's best to set this as soon as it is on. This really does stop the creasing. 

The staying power on this is also really good. Lately I have had lots of long days where I have been at uni during the day and had to go straight to help my boyfriend at his gigs and it has lasted pretty much all day. 

I love the Bobbi Brown packaging it is just so sleek and does have that expensive look to it. This product also has a little mirror. To be honest I find it to small to do much with but good to have there if it's ever needed. 

If I am honest, I am not sure I would repurchase. I am undecided at the moment. It is a really good product but I am put off by the price slightly. I don't mind spending money on make up and face care, most of the time mum says I am mental but I am just not sure if this is worth it yet. 

The corrector can be bought from Bobbi Brown stores or online here

£17.00 for 1.4g 

Has anyone tired the Bobbi Brown concealer? is it any good?

Miss S 


  1. Interesting review, concealer is something i can never be bothered to spend a lot on, may have to check this out xx

    1. I literally only use it on my eye as I unfortunately do have really dark circles. I will do a fotd with this when I get home as I don't have camera and I'll do a little before and after with this so you can see how well it works! xx

  2. I also get really bad dark circles around my eyes and nothing I've used before has covered them so it'll be interesting to give this a try, great review x

  3. I use the mac studio concealer and I love it. i may try this when i run out of it :) xo


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