Tuesday, 3 July 2012

17| Glitter Eye Shadow in Spirit

Like I said in the post about the lipstick I bought from 17, this isn't a range that I have ever bought anything from so when I had a voucher that meant I got a glitter eyeshadow free when you bought any 17 product, I thought it would be silly not to.

I bought this colour as I thought it would be a colour that I could get some use out of. All the others were a bit to out there for my liking but this colour is perfect for creating a smoky look for going out.

As with the lipstick I wasn't really expecting much from this as it really is an inexpensive brand but again I was pleasently surprised.

I am not that fussed with the packaging. It really does give away that it is a cheaper brand and I much prefer a lid that you flip up rather than screw off but it is good enough and it relatively sturdy.

The pigmentation of this eye shadow is really good!

IT doesn't have the best staying power. It is good for a night out but I found that when I wear this during the day it tends to crease a bit towards the end of the day and you are left with a bit of a mess. Like I said though nights out it is really good and you can really build the colour. 

I am not going to say this is this most amazing eye shadow ever, because it isn't but for how much it costs it is a good product and worth having even if you won't used it all the time. 

17 is available  in Boots Stores or online here


  1. Fab little review, thank you :-) I've found it's the same with the natural collection range, cheap and cheerful but you definitely get what you pay for!

    Lucy x

    1. That is another brand that I just haven't used but have been seeing lots of reviews popping up for them! xx

  2. I actually really like 17 shadows. They are easy to blend, well pigmented, and last! xo

  3. oooo such a pretty colour love 17 eyeshadows theyre lovely!
    hareem x

    1. I think because I have had such a good time with this I may pick up some more! xx


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