Thursday, 4 October 2012

I'm Back Baby!

That's right I am finally back after a rather extended break!

I'm sorry I have just abandoned my blog over the past month, Life got in the way and if I am honest I just completely lost my blogging mojo but I am back a ready to go. I am spending the day  scheduling  some posts and I have been buying lots of exciting bits.

I'm also thinking about doing some more videos! I will have to see if I have the time to make it a regular thing but I will keep you all updated about that.

If anyone is interested I am on twitter @sophie_swinney This is the best way to see what is going on and Instagram @candycaneheart as I don't review everything I buy and this is the best way to see what I am buying! and you can always ask me questions even if I don't review.

I hope everyone is well! and hope you enjoy all the posts that are coming your way!!


  1. I abandoned my blog for a bit over the summer to! Its good to have a break sometimes hey? would love it if you could take a look at my blog -
    Lucy x

    1. Yeh I am feeling a lot more positive about it now! Of course I will go look now!xx

  2. Thanks for sending your link on bbloggers chat! I hope you enjoy blogging again!!
    I'm following now. Hope you'll have a look at our blog too

    1. Thank you for following darling! Of course I will! xx

  3. No worries lovely, taking a break once in a while can be the best thing, I've found it gets ya more excited to come back to blogging anywhooz ;)
    Look forward to the upcoming posts! Aaaand seeing you at the blogger meetup this weekend! ^.^

    1. Yeh it has got me all excited again. I never wanted blogging to be a chore so it is nice. Ah you are coming! how exciting. I am so looking forward to it! xx

  4. I always take mini breaks, keeps the posts fresh :) I'm now following you, I've got you on my twitter account :) xxx

    1. thank you for following darling! yeh I had a look at your blog and love it. Followed yours as well xx


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