Friday, 2 November 2012

Christmas Gift Ideas #1

So we have now hit November and everyone is starting to go crazy about preparing for christmas. I know I have. I hold my hands up and say I am not the most imaginative person when it comes to Christmas presents and not going to lie there probably won't be many of these Christmas posts but I couldn't help but not share these. 

I am sure most of you will know about Yankee candles or be just as obsessed with them as me but I wanted to share with you my favourite Christmas scents. 

(Apologises for the not so great photos! Still trying to find somewhere suitable to take photos in the new house, everywhere is SO dark!!) 

Now I don't know about anyone else but I love getting candles at Christmas, for me it makes winter a bit more bearable. Being snuggled up in bed, candles burning watching a film. Perfect. In fact most of the women in my family love getting candles. It really is a necessity in the winter! 

I know Yankee candles aren't cheap but they really do last forever! The Red Apple Wreath candle has an approximate burning time of 110-150 hours! and the Christmas Cupcake should last 70-90 hours (these are both large candles) Although they cost the same and you get more in the single wick candle (Red apple wreath) I much prefer the two wick candles (Christmas cupcake) as they just seem to burn nicer.
You can get either of these in the different wick versions so it really is personal choice! 

Now onto the scents; OH MY GOD. Is all I have to say. Seriously these both smell amazing. Although I don't have any other festive scents,there are so many more to choose from! One that I really want to get is Sugared Apple.
Again sorry about picture quality! This has an effect on it to make it slightly less crummy! 

Christmas Cupcake is the most amazing smelling candle ever. If you get the chance you really should give it a smell. It is really sweet but it has a gorgeous spice undertone. When I first smelt this I just wanted to eat it. (I really don't advise this!). 
In my house my room is right next to the front door and the first time I burnt this and my house mates came home, they immediately came into my room demanding my cupcakes! They were most upset when they found out I didn't have any!

My second Candle, Red Apple Wreath smells just as amazing, although I haven't had a chance to actually burn it. As you can imagine this smells like apple but has undertones of cinnamon and almost a woody scent. It really is gorgeous and I can't wait to burn it.

Like I said before, Yankee candles are by no means cheap but there are plenty more expensive candles out there! It really does depend what you want but I really can't recommend them enough. They come in a variety of sizes; from wax tarts to giant candles like mine, so even if you don't want to slash the cash on a huge one there is more than likely a size that suits your needs. 

The best place I have found to buy Yankee candles is Yankee Direct.
I bought mine from an outlet but this website really has everything! 

Another note, if you do go on the website, make sure you have a lot of time free. You may be browsing for a while! 

What are your favourite candles for the winter?


  1. I need to get my hands on Christmas Cupcake! It sounds so delish and yummy! I own Christmas Eve & Sparkling Snow which I'm now tempted to start burning thanks to this post :) xo

    1. Oh you should!! it is SO gorgeous! christmas eve was another one I was looking at and I think there is a spiced orange one which I think would be amazing xx

  2. Love these! My favourite scent overall is mango peach salsa :) x

    1. oh I do love a good fruity smell! I got Wild Passion Flower couple weeks ago and that smells delicious as well. xx

  3. My best friend text me to say she had bought me a Christmas Cookie one today as she works somewhere that sells them, I can't wait!

    1. Oh I am jealous! That seems to be a popular one! x

  4. I love yankee candles. Christmas cookie is my fave!

    1. Seems to be a very popular one! I may have to give it a try (any excuse!) xx

  5. Need to get my hands on some candles, I've got candle envy! X

  6. Candles are so lovely at this time of year, i've just got my hands on some of the slatkin and co candles and i'm obsessed with smelling them! xx


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