Monday, 12 November 2012

Collective Haul

So yesterday I went to primark and thought I had to show you all what I bought. I also included some bits that I have bought over the month. Managed to get some lovely winter bits that I can't wait to wear. I hope you enjoy the video! If you do please subscribe! I have some more videos ready to film, including a more appropriate beauty haul. I have managed to get some really good bits over the last month and I can't wait to show you!

So here is my Collective haul! 


  1. Luv your jewellery!! esp. the collar necklace - which website did you purchase from? xx

    1. Hey doll! All the jewellery is from hope you find something you like! xx

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. aww thank you so much - ive only ordered a collar necklace like the one you got but in gold, until i get paid when i can order more! brilliant website find, well done :) x

  4. Love the rucksack, it's really cute :) x


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