Wednesday, 11 July 2012

No7 | Fanomenal Lashes

I have been using the same mascara for over 3 years. I love it but I wanted to try something new and as there are the £5 off vouchers for No7 I thought I would try their new mascara. 

As usual I did some research before parting with my pennies. The reviews out there were seriously good. I couldn't see any reason not to give it a go. I think with mascara's it is a very personal thing. I was luck that I found one so quickly that I loved but I know people that spend so much money trying to find the perfect mascara. 

I love this mascara, although I would love it to give a little more volume thats not what this mascara is sold as. 

Natural Lashes
This mascara is meant to create a fuller lash fan and it certainly does! I was seriously impressed with the  length that this mascara created. I naturally have very short straight lashes and this mascara created length and a curl with just coat ( I also didn't use a curled before when I took these photos) 

When I first wore this my mum actually asked if I was wearing false lashes, which I can only take as a good thing!

The pigmentation of this mascara is really good and it also dries really quickly. Which is another bonus. I don't want to have to wait for it dry for ages. 

I have found like with most other mascaras, give it a week once it has dried out a bit it is even better. 

I am not a huge fan of plastic brushes but this one is actually ok. I couldn't get a picture, as for some reason my camera wouldn't focus, but it has really shot bristles with slightly longer ones that go round in a spiral. 

overal this mascara is so worth the money. I would quite happily pay full price for this but the £5 off voucher makes it even nicer!

No7 Fanomenal Lashes can be purchases in Boots or Online here for £12.95


  1. Oooh this looks good! Might try it out with my voucher :D xx

  2. Wow this does look good. I'll keep my eyes peeled next time I have a voucher x

    Simple Beauty Bag

    1. They have vouchers going on till the 15th! xx

  3. I got this using a voucher as well and I'm seriously in love!! Like you I have really short eyelashes and I can't believe how amazing they look when I wear this. Definitely recommend!xx

    1. it is so damn good! and with the voucher it makes it even better :p xx

  4. oh my this is really 'eye opening'! the mascara looks so good on your lashes xoxo
    would you like to follow each other?

  5. Ah this looks really good! I use a Body Shop one at the moment but I don't love it as much as my previous Rimmel one and it's near to running out so I may have to have a look at this when the time comes (: xx

    1. You should! and hopefully they will have the No7 vouchers so you can get it cheaper ;) xx

  6. It looks great! I've never really tried many No7 products but will keep my eyes peeled for this one :)

    Samantha xx

  7. I personally dont get on with this mascara at all :( I prefer the Lash Adapt one which came out last year x

    1. That is such a shame :( I have heard good things about that one as well. xx

  8. This looks great, and hasnt clumped at all! Im sitting on a £5 off no. 7 voucher atm so might have to get this!


    1. I have been using this couple weeks now and even with it drying it still hasn't gone clumpy! xx

  9. I awarded you with the One Lovely Blog award! Check it out! <3

    1. Thank you so much darling! I will have a look now.

  10. I love Number 7 Masscara i use there Extreme lash waterproof . its amazing :D gives great lash look x

    1. I have heard great things about most of the No7 Mascaras. Seems to be very popular. xx


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