Thursday, 19 July 2012

Nuxe| Reve De Miel Lip Balm

This is another one of those hyped up products that everyone is talking about and I know, there are a million other reviews out there but I couldn't not talk about this as I was so impressed.

I have dry lips most of the time. They are really sensitive to the changes in weather etc I have been using blistex for years and I did love it but it never got rid of my dry lips, only soothed and added moisture while it was on the lips. Once it was gone I was still left with dry lips.......enter Nuxe! Now I am not going to lie, it felt a bit like day light robbery paying £9.50 for a lip balm but I can honestly (hand on heart) say it is SO worth it!

Since I have been using the Nuxe Reve de Meil Lip balm my lips have become amazing! No dryness at all. Even when I don't have it on.

Yes this is expensive but you need so little that this little pot will last you ages and if it works you can't really say no?!

I love the packaging. It comes in a little frosted glass jar and to me that just oozes class and expense. It does feel rather nice having a little glass jar. Yes it is a little heavier and a little more to lug around but I think it is worth it. 

Like many others have said, I use this before bed and I wake up and it is still there. How many other lip products can you say have that kind of staying power?! I also use this before I put any lipstick on and it really helps extend the wear time of the lipstick and also means that my lips don't become dry and have lipstick sinking into the cracks (Never a good look!) 

 As usual I am a sucker for the smell! oh this does not disappoint. You can really smell the honey. I also think it has quite a lemon smell to it but after reading the box I found that it actually contains Grapefruit.  Either way I do love a good cirtus smell. It is not really overpowering. Once it is on the lips you can't smell it at all. 

So in conclusion, everyone needs this in their life! I am deadly serious. Come the depths of our lovely English winter (even though we seem to have no other seasons than winter!) and you have lovely moisturised lips you will be so grateful you listened to me and bought this lip balm ;) 

The cheapest I have found this is on Feel Unique and they have free shipping!

£9.50 for 15g 


  1. Want. Want. Want. DAMN 100 DAY CHALLENGE xo

  2. I've read so much about this, I think I'm going to finally cave! Thank you for the link! x

    1. You really really should get this. I can't recommed it enough! xx

  3. Sounds amazing. Fab review, I might have to invest- my lips are quite big so I like to look after them!! LOL.

    great blog.

    sheree x


    1. haha, thank you darling. It is worth the investment! xx

  4. My lips are really bad right now because I'm getting over the cold but nothing is working, I might just invest in this product!

    Eilidh xo

  5. I have heard such good things about this, it's is definitely on my birthday wishlist! I just found your blog through your guest post on TattooTealady's blog and I love it! :)



    1. awesome! it is amazing! Thank you for taking the time to stop by and I am glad you like :) xx

  6. I love this stuff! I agree the packaging is nice-most say it's too big to carry around but I reach they like it!

    1. It is a little heavy to be carrying around but I don't care I love it so much! xx


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